HP's iPAQ line has maintained the highest profile among Microsoft-powered alternatives to Palm OS PDAs. Previous models have combined loads of features and award-winning compact designs, albeit with concomitant high prices. The new h4150 and h4350, while not as inexpensive as the Dell Axim X3i, still deliver the features and fine designs iPAQ buyers expect, but at pretty reasonable prices.
The h4150 and h4350 are almost Sony-esque in their appealing style and functional integration. HP continues to include Bluetooth in its Pocket PCs, even though real-world Bluetooth use is lagging in the U.S. These two models add 802.11b Wi-Fi in the same slim cases, combining "must-have" Wi-Fi with "maybe useful someday" Bluetooth. They also bundle HP's useful Pocket PC utilities, including an image viewer and a backup program.
The h4150 is a half-inch-thick, 4.6-0unce device that follows the design theme of the very popular iPAQ h2210 series. One large exception is that while the h2210 has both CF and SD slots, the h4150 has only an SD slot. Since the most common uses for CF slots have been for memory cards and network cards (with some use for add-on cameras and GPS radios), the integration of Wi-Fi into the h4150 answers one part of the CF concern. And HP's introduction of new SD 1.3-megapixel camera and GPS units (prices not yet set) should answer the concerns of everyone except those who use specialized devices with a CF interface.
Note that the h4150 does not use the same connection interface as earlier high-end iPAQs. HP is betting that lack of compatibility with the wide range of iPAQ expansion sleeves out there will not be a problem. (The h5000 series will continue to accommodate the legacy expansion sleeves.)
The h4150 looks good, and its smooth-surfaced case feels good. A rounded bottom lets the h4150 slide easily into pockets. The zero-configuration wireless connectivity wizard supplied with all new Pocket PCs made our network and Internet connection effortless. The bright screen adds to enjoyment and productivity. You can use both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth at the same time, and a convenient utility simplifies turning either or both on or off.
The h4150's toughest competitor is the wireless version of the Dell Axim X3i. The X3i lacks the h4150's Bluetooth radio and is a bit larger and heavier, but at $379 direct costs $80 less. If you need Bluetooth, the h4150 is a fine choice. If not, the X3i may be the way to go.
The 5.8-ounce h4350 breaks ground with HP's first integrated PDA keyboard. For corporations looking to deploy productivity-enhancing devices, this is the best Pocket PC we've seen to date. There is just no comparison between using a keyboard to reply to e-mail versus struggling with a stylus.
Because the h4350 has a keyboard, HP assumed it would be used more than the h4150 for e-mail and messaging, as well as for productivity applications. The h4350's standard 1,560-mAh lithium ion battery is rated for 3 to 4 hours of use with the Bluetooth radio off and with the display backlight and Wi-Fi set to default power levels. An optional ($70 street) 3,600-mAh battery may be a required accessory for heavy users.
We found the keyboard fine for two-thumb operation. The slightly rounded keycaps make locating and finding keys easier as you tap along. We soon found we used the keyboard and the five-way Nav key instead of extracting the stylus from the h4350's case. The added productivity afforded by the keyboard is a good trade-off for the h4350's extra length.
Because of its keyboard, the h4350 has no direct competitor in the Pocket PC world, but a clear comparison is possible with the Palm Tungsten C, which has the same 400-MHz CPU and 64MB of RAM, integrated Wi-Fi, built-in keyboard, and $500 street price. One advantage of the Tungsten C is its higher-resolution display: 320-by-320 versus the h4350's 320-by-240. The extra resolution matters when reading documents or Web pages.
The Tungsten C, of course, doesn't have integrated Bluetooth (if that matters to you) and runs Palm OS, which makes a world of difference. If you want a Pocket PC with integrated connectivity and a keyboard, the h4350 is your only choice—luckily in an attractive, compact, and reasonably priced unit.
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